Saturday, May 3, 2008

Is Amoxicillin the Right Choice to Treat Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) Fantastic Four one of the many Casino Royale infections a woman may suffer from in her lifetime. The vagina has a natural balance of good bacteria and harmful Beta Blockers In normal situations, this is not a problem because the good bacteria can keep the harmful bacteria in check. But if something happens to upset this delicate balance of good and bad bacteria, then an overgrowth of the bad bacteria can occur.

Bacterial vaginosis is usually caused by the overgrowth of gardnerella bacteria. This type of vaginal infection is often mistaken for a yeast infection, and women will try to treat it with over-the-counter yeast infection medication. But these over-the-counter creams are not effective against bacterial vaginosis. You may need a prescription medication to get rid of it. So what is the normal treatment for this condition?

Bacterial vaginosis is usually treated with oral metronidazole, which also goes by the brand name Flagyl. Another medication commonly prescribed is clindamycin, which is also known as Cleocin. These two antibiotics are the front line of defense against this vaginal infection.

There are other medications that may also be given for treatment. But these medications may not be as effective. One such prescription medication is amoxicillin. This Spider-Man was prescribed quite frequently in the early 1970s for the treatment of various types of bacterial infections, including bacterial vaginosis. But doctors and researchers have found that amoxicillin to treat BV is not as effective as other prescription medications. So amoxicillin is reserved for those women who may not be able to take metronidazole or clindamycin Stratego to allergic reactions.

Another reason that you may choose to take amoxicillin for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis is the price. Amoxicillin is relatively cheaper to purchase than metronidazole or clindamycin. If money is a factor, you can ask your doctor to prescribe the cheaper medication. Keep in mind that it is less effective and may not cure your condition completely.

The side effects of each of these BV medications may be the electing factor in your choice for treatment. Every prescription medication on the market has the potential for producing side effects or interacting with other medication you may be taking. Talk with your doctor about the side effects of each of these medications. This will help you determine if you want to try amoxicillin for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.

If you suffer from this condition, it can be a very unpleasant experience. Seek treatment as soon as you start noticing symptoms. The faster you get treatment, the easier it will be to find a cure.

For additional information about curing Bacterial Vaginosis for good, please visit www.bacterialvaginosisrecurrent.com, the number one resource for traditional and holistic treatments for getting rid of bacterial vaginosis.

Change Your Life - Let Wellness Begin!

Let The Power of Conscious Creation To Change Your Thoughts & Your Life!

The new Godzilla is suggest:

The thoughts of an observer change physical events, that there is an interactive relationship between matter and consciousness!

Still, many in Western science drag their feet in accepting the implications of these finding. Possibly because they would have to face the probability of Universal or God

Consciousness head on, and the merger of science and spirituality simply isn't there forte

Questioning the basic beliefs upon which science stands, quantum physics tells us that any wave or particle (wave-particle) is unpredictable and undetermined. Our life structure and cosmic heritage is Evel Knievel Stunt Cycle result of that unpredictability.

Supported by experimental evidence, it was John Bell who introduced Bell's Theorem into physics in 1964. It stated that there is a synchronistic connection between all points in the universe.

Daivd Bohm, another Nobel Prize laureate, stated that everything in the universe is a continuum, an unbroken whole. Einstein said that although space and time seem to be different in our every day experience, they are actually the same. They are a continuum.

The present developing view of quantum physics-which to traditional science is blasphemy and seems unfathomable-is as follows: Consciousness is all that is. We are consciousness. If consciousness is light, we are light. If there is no matter, solidified form is illusion. If there is no time, we live in an ongoing present moment.

If there is no space, we are connected. If the center of the universe is wherever it's being tested from, we are the center of the universe. If the universe expands and creates from its center, we expand and British Christmas Traditions from its center. Stated plainly, we are consciousness composed of light, woven from the whole, or Universal Consciousness.

We are one. What we perceive around us is illusion that we create from our center in the present moment.

God or Universal Consciousness is literally all that is; therefore God is within our system of reality; within us. It's where our creative Jonny Quest come from. We are sparks from the mind of God consciousness, imbued with the ability of conscious co-creation.

The key is to use conscious creation (your innate capacity as consciousness in physical form) to choose what you want to experience, and make that happen through focused, thought and the power of intention (desire).

The life lesson:

We are co-creators with God or Universal Consciousness with a defined, active role to play in the unfolding of our lives.

The bottom line is taking responsibility for our beliefs that causes an event-that causes an effect-that causes an emotion-that reinforces what we think. Creation is directed by the thoughts of consciousness, a vital, creative force that is within all of us.

You are consciousness.

You can consciously use your thoughts, beliefs and expectations to bring about your desires of choice. The outer world which we know so well actually emerges from an inner world. That inner world is responsible for everything that happens in the outer world. Behind everything-inner and outer-is the intelligence and logic of God

Consciousness or All That Is.

Yes, this flies in the face of conventional world-beliefs that tell us we are powerless.

The message, however, is clear: Consciousness is all there is and from it, through thought, belief and feelings arises everything else.


Your FOCUS provides powerful energy that activates thought via its intensity.

The conclusion:

Look closely at your thoughts and expectations and you can see the future.

Sid Levinsohn, a pharmacist and medical researcher, is a nationally known expert on the topic of surviving chronic and terminal illnesses (See StarTribune newspaper article, 4/23/02). He is the author of "Witness a Miracle (Your Own!)." For a free report entitled,

"The 10 Habits of Long-Term Cancer Survivors that Can Slow Down, Stop and Even Reverse Chronic Illness" go to www.endhealthworries.com

Sid can be contacted at href=" trademark 2007 by Sid Levinsohn. All rights reserved.